What we do

We support women, children and youth to reach their full potential!

We facilitate equal  opportunities and every right to education and career advancement

A new future for young adults

We offer life skills training, career guidance, career opportunities and income generating activities to young adults  who are faced with limited job opportunities. 

Bringing dreams within reach for children

The underprivileged children do not have access to required financial help and resources needed to live the life of their dreams. We facilitate in the acquisition of educational and financial resources.

We provide safe spaces for marginalized women and youth, as well as helpline services accessible at any time from our offices.

We Find & Fund

We are in search of opportunities to help as many needy women children and youth as possible. We approach and fund those who are in need.

We Educate

We provide life skills training and exposure to different worlds.

We Provide Care

We offer counseling services for underprivileged children to encourage them to attend school with their friends.

We Consult

We run small to medium scale projects to assist women become self sustaining and provide business management skills 

We Link

We  link organizations and care providers  who want to fulfill their social responsibility obligations to needy people

We Strengthen

We provide moral support, guidance and counseling services to young girls facing early marriage challenges.